Smosh inspires Golden Moustache

American comic duo Smosh (more than 21 million followers on YouTube) realized its first full-length feature film with success last July. This movie is accessible on ITunes, Vimeo and Netflix for 9, 99 dollars and was not distributed in movie theatres, it’s a digital movie.

Digital movies are characterized by three points: a reduced budget (estimated at less than $ 1 million), a digital distribution and YouTube follower’s stars with a large community of fans. This new type of movie has an increasing growth in the United States with feature films like ‘Bad Night’ and ‘The Chosen’ released last June.

Currently no figures measures the real economic impact of those project since distribution modes are different. However, Magood Hart, co-author of digital movie ensures that the investment on his film had been pay off in four days.

On November 24th, it will be the turn of the French label Golden mustache to unveil its own digital movie ” Les Dissociés ” directed by the trio of humorists “ Suricate ”: Raphaël Descraques, Julien Josselin and and Vincent Tirel.

Stars of the web will also make their contribution since Baptiste Lecaplain, Kyan Khojandi, Navo, PalmaShow and Alice David will make an appearance.

This project has costs only € 150,000: 80% of the project has been funded by product placement, the rest will be financed by revenue from cinema ticket at première with the actors.


Here is the movie trailer

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