Laughs Festival

If in one hand laughs festival of Matignon has been cancelled the weekend of the 14th and 15th of November, due to the attack of Paris, comedy festivals are still being elaborated and often in advance. The next festival in date is Montreux Comedy Festival which will begin on December 2nd and will last a week. The closing gala held on December 7th will be presented by Arnaud Tsamère and live broadcast on TMC.

In a more distant future, the Just for Laugh Festival of Montréal programmed between the 18th and 24th of July 2016 is already beginning to unveil its participants. For this 34th Festival, and for the first time, each night will be presented by a duo of humorist who will discuss a subject in particular, the theme of this year being rivalries. (Cerebral vs impulsive; singles vs couples; young vs old…). If it is normal to unveil the next content of the festival for 2016, a rumor already runs for the festival of 2017. The festival of 2017 could take place in Miami and become the first francophone festival of laughter in Florida.

Festival “Rire en Seine” 2016 (11th March-02nd April 2016) launches a call for applications for its 7th edition. Beginners are invited to send a video of application before the 5th of December to have a chance to go on stage.

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